Linking and switching Mercury accounts

If you have more than one Mercury account (or are on more than one team that uses Mercury), there are a few ways you can link accounts to easily switch between them without needing to log out and log in again.

Link more than one account to your profile

When you create or are invited to your first Mercury account, you create a profile that includes an email address, password, and some basic info like your name and 2FA preferences.

You’re able to link multiple Mercury accounts to a single profile so that you can seamlessly switch between different accounts without needing to log out and log in again. Linked accounts are only visible to you and can’t be seen by admins or anyone else using the Mercury account, so you can confidently link a side hustle or personal account as needed.

Applying for a new Mercury account using an existing profile

  1. Click on your company name in the top left-hand corner of your dashboard.
  2. You'll see the option to Open new account.
  3. You’ll be able to start a new application that uses the same basic profile info. If the application is approved, your new account will be automatically linked to the profile you used when applying.

Joining another team’s Mercury account with an existing profile

Ask your contact or the admin who’s inviting you to add you to their Mercury account using your existing profile email. You’ll receive an email invite and the Mercury account will automatically be linked to your profile once you accept.

Linking an existing profile to share linked accounts

Until recently, you needed to create a new profile (and thus use a separate email) for every Mercury account you created or were invited to. You can now link your existing profiles to effectively link any associated accounts as well and switch seamlessly between them.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. While logged in to one of the Mercury accounts you want to link, open your company menu in the top left corner of your dashboard.
  2. Select Link existing account.
  3. You’ll be prompted to log in with the profile associated with the other account.
    1. If that profile is already linked to others, you’ll be able to review a list of all the Mercury accounts you’ll be to switch between before you proceed.
  4. Enter your 2FA verification code, then click Log In & Link.
  5. If successful, you’ll be switched to your other Mercury account.

Editing an existing email to link profiles

To edit an existing email to one that’s already in use, you’ll want to follow the steps of inviting yourself as a team member as opposed to editing your own email.

  • If you’re an admin, follow the steps listed here to invite yourself to the account under your preferred email
  • If you’re a non-admin, you’ll need to ask an admin on file to invite your preferred email

Once your preferred email has been added, the old profile can be removed from your Team page. Please note that any cards tied to the removed email will be automatically deleted so you'll need to set those back up under the new profile.

Managing linked accounts and profiles

Go to your Profile settings. From here, you can view and un-link other Mercury profiles you’re linked to, and also view which Mercury accounts are directly linked to your current profile.

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