What does a Mercury Personal subscription include?
Each Mercury Personal subscription includes one individual and one joint account.
When you invite someone to your joint account, they will become a co-owner of the joint account only. Should they also want another account, they can open one separately for the annual subscription fee of $240.
Here are a few scenarios for more context:
I have an individual account on Mercury Personal and paid a subscription fee already. Will I get charged another $240/year for opening a joint account?
No, your $240/year subscription to Mercury Personal includes access to one individual and one joint account.
I received an invitation to join a joint account on Mercury from someone with a Mercury Personal account. Am I going to be charged $240/year?
No. If one of the joint account holders has an active Mercury Personal subscription on their individual account, the joint account will not incur an annual fee, as it is included in that individual account subscription.
If neither of the joint account holders has an active Mercury Personal subscription on their individual accounts or doesn’t have an individual account open at all, the subscription will be charged to the joint account.
I opened a joint account on Mercury, and I don’t have an individual account. Will I get charged an annual subscription if I open an individual account?
The first account holder to open an individual account will have their subscription waived, as it will be included in the joint account subscription. For example, say you open a joint account with your spouse, and neither of you have individual accounts: if your spouse opens an individual account in addition to the joint account, your spouse won’t be charged $240. If you open an individual account after your spouse opens an account, you will be charged $240.
After that, joint account holders who open individual accounts will each be charged $240/year.