Creating and sending invoices

To create an invoice, navigate to your Invoicing tab in your Mercury dashboard and select the + Create Invoice button in the top left. You will be taken to a screen with a preview of your invoice on the right, and the ability to edit details on the left. Any edits made will automatically update the preview on the right.

  1. First, add a customer. You can select from customers you’ve previously created from a drop down list, or, scroll to the bottom of the list and select the option to add a new customer. You can always edit the customer after proceeding to the next step
    1. If you’re adding a new customer you will be required to include a name and email - business or personal - but have the option to include an address should you require it
  2. Your Invoice Number will be automatically generated but this can be edited to a custom string (numbers and letters) if you choose. If you wish to, you can also enter a Purchase Order number. Purchase orders are documents customers may provide to you to track and manage their purchasing process
  3. Next you will need to add line items. By default the quantity will be set to 1, but you can edit both quantity, price, and description. You can also add a negative amount to a line item in order to discount the invoice total by the amount entered
  4. Once you have more than one line item on the invoice you can click and drag to reorder the line items into the sequence of your choosing
  5. Your total will automatically update to reflect the itemized list on your invoice, and you can toggle sales tax on and off, setting your rate to pertain to your specific regional requirements
  6. Click Payment Details to proceed
  7. From here you will need to set invoice date (default today) and due dates, as well as choose the account into which your customer payment will be deposited if they pay you through wire, ACH, or credit card
  8. You can also include a personal memo to your customer, as well as an internal note to yourself for your record keeping at this stage
  9. Lastly, if you have credit card payments setup via our Stripe integration, you can toggle this option off or on for your customer
  10. Click Create Invoice

If you choose to send the invoice via email, this will always go out the moment you create the invoice, and will not be delayed based on the invoice creation date.

On the final page you will be able to preview the completed invoice. Mercury will pre-populate your customer’s email address, but you will have the option to edit or add additional contacts before clicking Send Invoice.



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