Different kinds of payments have different processing times, and if your transaction was just sent, it might not have been processed yet. Here’s more information on tracking details and how to find them:
Outgoing Transactions
Log into your Mercury account and go to your Transactions page. Use filters to narrow down the transaction in question and locate the relevant tracking details.
For ACH payments
- Click on the transaction and locate the "ACH Trace ID".
- The ACH trace ID is a 15-digit transaction tracking number. Please share this with the beneficiary so that their banking institution can locate the funds.
- An ACH payment may take up to 3 business days to arrive, so please inform us if the recipient has not received the funds by then.
For domestic wires
- Click on the transaction and find the "Transaction tracking number".
- The transaction tracking number (or IMAD) is a unique number that identifies a wire transfer made through the Federal Reserve Bank's Fedwire system.
- Share the IMAD with the recipient to track the funds. Domestic wires should only take 1 business day to arrive.
For international wires
- Click on the transaction and locate the "Tracking link" to see and share the wire’s status.
- Once generated, you can also download the SWIFT receipt under "Mercury-generated receipts" to review the wire instructions. Sharing this with the recipient can help the beneficiary’s institution locate the wire.
Incoming Transactions
If it's been longer than the expected processing times outlined here, you can track your incoming domestic or international wire here. Otherwise, please get in touch with us below with the following information:
For ACH payments
- Date sent
- Sender name
- Amount
- ACH trace ID (this is a transaction tracking number. You may have to ask the sender, but this will be the fastest way to locate the transaction)
For domestic wires
- Date sent
- Sender name
- Amount
- IMAD/OMAD (these are domestic wire tracking numbers and can be obtained by asking the sending bank)
For international wires
First, make sure that the sender followed our wire instructions; if the incorrect account details were used, the wire will be returned to sender.
If all information was entered properly, send us over the following so we can see what we can find:
- Date sent
- Sender name
- Amount
- A copy of your wire transaction receipt or SWIFT transfer confirmation (MT103), or other similar information