How to transfer a card to another user

Admin users can transfer ownership of a card from one user to another as long as they meet the following criteria:

  • The card being transferred is a virtual IO card
  • The user the card is being transferred to is eligible - i.e. they are an administrator, custom, or card only user (in situations where a card has not yet been assigned created in this last case)

Transferring a card

  1. Login to your Mercury account and navigate to the Cards page
  2. Select the virtual IO card you wish to transfer, followed by the ‘More’ option in the details panel that appears on the right side of the page
  3. From the ‘More’ dropdown list select ‘Transfer card’
  4. A window will appear warning you that the current card holder will no longer have card access after the transfer
  5. Under ‘Transfer to’, select the eligible user from the dropdown list
  6. Select Transfer to assign the card to the new user

Historical card transactions will continue to list the previous card holder, but future transactions will reflect the user the card has been transferred to. The new card holder will be notified of the change.

Transferring cards when removing a team member

If you remove a team member from your account, Mercury will let you know how many cards are associated with that user, as well as if any active subscriptions are detected. If there are any cards eligible for transfer you will have the option to select these and assign them to a new eligible team member on your Mercury account, or have them canceled with the non-transferable cards.