Creating and managing category locked cards

Category locks allow you to restrict your card to certain types of purchases, such as "Software," "Travel," or "Restaurants." When a category lock is in place, transactions outside of these categories will be automatically declined. Benefits of category locks include:

  • Enhanced Security: Prevent unauthorized purchases by restricting spending to specific categories.
  • Budgeting: Keep your spending within limits by only allowing transactions in essential categories.
  • Customized Control: Tailor your card's usage to align with your personal or business needs.

How to lock your IO card to categories

Follow these steps to lock an existing card  to specific spending categories:

  1. Log into your Mercury account on the web. 
  2. Navigate to your Cards page.
  3. Select the card you’d like to enable category locks on and click More
  4. Click on Category lock to begin adding your categories.
  5. Under “Spend Categories”, select your categories and click Save Categories.  

ℹ️You can also enable card locks when issuing a new debit or IO card. Under “Spend Control”, click Category Lock, select your categories, and finish setting up your card. 

Managing Category Locks

You can view, edit or remove your category locks at any time from your Cards page. Either locate the card that needs editing or click Add filter to view all category-locked cards: 

  1. Click on the card that needs editing. 
  2. Locate the “Category Lock” section and click the pencil icon to edit your categories as needed. 
  3. You can add new categories or remove existing ones. To disable category locks entirely, simply deselect each category. 
  4. Click Save changes once you’ve made your necessary changes.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Can I lock my card to multiple categories?
    Yes, you can lock your card to one or multiple categories depending on your needs.
  • What happens if I try to make a purchase outside of my locked categories?
    The transaction will be declined, ensuring your spending stays within your set boundaries. You will see the reason for the decline in the transaction.
  • Can I apply category locks to multiple cards?
    Yes, each card can be locked to different categories independently.
  • Who can enable card locking?
    Any admin or team member with card editing permissions. 

Need More Help?

If you have any questions or need further assistance with setting up or managing category locks, please reach out to our support team. We're here to help you make the most of your card!

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