Mercury will automatically categorize card-based transactions made within the US with one of 39 pre-made categories to help you manage your books.
Viewing or editing transaction categories
You can view the automatically assigned category, or, re-categorize any transaction from the Transactions page in your Mercury account.
To view, add, or edit a category:
- Navigate to the transactions page
- Select the transaction in question
- In the details panel there will be a section called Mercury category
- Clicking here will let you select a new category from the drop-down menu
- Once you've selected a category, it will save your choice until you choose to edit it again
Available Categories
- Advertising
- Airlines
- Alcohol and Bars
- Books and Newspaper
- Car Rental
- Charity
- Clothing
- Conferences
- Education
- Electronics
- Entertainment
- Facilities Expenses
- Financial Institutions and Fees
- Food Delivery
- Fuel and Gas
- Gambling
- Government Services
- Grocery
- Ground Transportation
- Insurance
- Internet and Telephone
- Legal
- Lodging
- Medical
- Memberships
- Office Supplies
- Other
- Other Travel
- Travel
- Parking
- Political
- Professional Services
- Restaurants
- Retail
- Rideshare and Taxis
- Shipping
- Software
- Taxes
- Utilities
- Vehicle Expenses